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About Dhaka Post
Dhaka Post is an online news portal that aims to provide accurate and objective news and views for the audience across the country. With the slogan of ‘সত্যের সাথে সন্ধি’, the online news portal started its journey in 16th February 2021. On July 24, 2022, Dhakapost.com got registered as an online media by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka Post is owned by Bijoy Bangla Media Limited (BBML). The Bijoy Bangla Media Limited (BBML) is a sister concern of the US Bangla Group of Companies.Dhaka Post puts an extra emphasis on national news and news from every district. However, it also covers different segments like politics, economics, international, sports, entertainment, education, information and technology, features, lifestyle, and columns.This online is different and unique than other online news portals because it practices ‘multimedia’ journalism, which provides readers news of home and abroad along with audio, video, infographic, and web story.Mohiuddin Sarker, Editor of Dhaka Post, is a very prominent face in the field of the country’s journalism sector for more than 20 years. Throughout his long career as a journalist, he served institutions like Ajker Kagoj, Jugantor, Jagonews24.com and so on.Powered by a group of young, enthusiastic, and experienced journalists, Dhaka Post prioritizes on the storytelling pattern of the news to guide its readers to understand the most complicated issues easily.Objective
Dhaka Post aims to provide the most updated news to its readers within the shortest possible time. In this journey to provide news quickly, Dhaka Post always tries to be accurate, objective and unbiased.Following the basic fundamental principles of the Bangladesh constitution, Dhaka Post aims to strengthen public opinion in favor of the liberation war.Dhaka Post is committed to the fundamental values of the country, especially, national sovereignty, democracy and secularism. In addition, Dhaka Post will speak for the human and civil rights of the citizen of the country.
সম্পাদক: মহিউদ্দিন সরকার
৯৫ সোহরাওয়ার্দী এভিনিউ বারিধারা ডিপ্লোমেটিক জোন, ঢাকা ১২১২
ফোন +৮৮০ ৯৬১৩ ৬৭৮৬৭৮
হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ +৮৮০ ১৭৭৭ ৭০৭৬০০
মোবাইল +৮৮০ ১৩১৩ ৭৬৭৭৪২
ই-মেইল [email protected]
বিজ্ঞাপন প্রকাশের জন্য যোগাযোগ করুন ০১৩১৩৭৬৭৭৫০ নাম্বারে
৯৫ সোহরাওয়ার্দী এভিনিউ বারিধারা ডিপ্লোমেটিক জোন, ঢাকা ১২১২
ফোন +৮৮০ ৯৬১৩ ৬৭৮৬৭৮
হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ +৮৮০ ১৭৭৭ ৭০৭৬০০
মোবাইল +৮৮০ ১৩১৩ ৭৬৭৭৪২
ই-মেইল [email protected]
বিজ্ঞাপন প্রকাশের জন্য যোগাযোগ করুন ০১৩১৩৭৬৭৭৫০ নাম্বারে