About Daily Ajker Bazar

Ajker Bazar is Bangladesh’s pioneering One Stop Media, set to launch multiple media platforms under one roof. This includes Internet Business Television (ABTV), Internet Business Radio (AB Radio), an Internet Video Portal, a Business News Portal, and The Daily Ajker Bazar, a Business News Paper. This integrated approach aims to establish a unique and comprehensive media organization, offering diverse content and services to its audience.
ইমেইলঃ [email protected]
নিউজ রুমঃ [email protected]২৭ লিংক রোড (৪র্থ তলা) বাংলা মোটর, ঢাকা ১০০০ফোনঃ ৯৬৬৪৪২৬-২৭, মোবাইলঃ ০১৯৮৬ ৬৯৩০৫০