About Prothom Feni

“Prothom Feni” is a Bengali newspaper that focuses on news and events related to the Feni district of Bangladesh. As a local publication, it covers a wide range of topics including local news, politics, economy, culture, sports, and community events specific to the Feni region.By providing coverage tailored to the interests and concerns of the residents of Feni, “Prothom Feni” serves as an important source of information for the local community. It aims to keep residents informed about developments in their area, promote local businesses and initiatives, and foster a sense of community engagement and participation.Through its reporting and coverage, “Prothom Feni” plays a vital role in representing the voices and perspectives of the people of Feni, contributing to their socio-economic development and overall well-being.
সম্পাদক: এমাম হোসেন এমাম
ব্যবস্থাপনা সম্পাদক: মো. নিজাম উদ্দীন
ই-মেইল:: [email protected]
মোবাইল:: ০১৭১২১৫৭২১৫