About Bogra Sangbad

bograsangbad Bogra Sangbad
“Bogra Sangbad” is a Bengali newspaper serving the Bogra district of Bangladesh. It covers a wide range of news topics including local news, national news, politics, economics, culture, sports, and community events specific to the Bogra region. As a local publication, “Bogra Sangbad” plays an important role in keeping residents informed about developments in their area and providing a platform for community engagement and discussion. With its focus on local issues and events, “Bogra Sangbad” serves as a valuable source of information for the people of Bogra.
সম্পাদনা পরিষদ সম্পাদক : জাফর আহম্মেদ মিলন নির্বাহী সম্পাদকঃ শামসুজ্জোহা কবীর বার্তা সম্পাদক : মোঃ রাশেদুল কাদির (রুম্মান)
যোগাযোগ Email : [email protected] Mobile : 01715636187 Mobile : 01714801770